Keto Recipes | Sides

Keto Green Beans with Garlic Side Dish, Low Carb and Vegan

keto green beans

Ready in under 15 minutes, this side dish is not only delicious but super quick to cook. Green beans + garlic is the perfect combo, for a keto-friendly side dish. Plus the great thing is, they’re also vegan and gluten-free so they can meet a range of dietary needs.

Green beans are also pretty much the only keto-friendly beans out there. They’re low carb, with only 3.6g net carbs per 100g. They are also a good source of Vitamin C, with 27% of your daily allowance in 100g.

By cooking them in oil such as olive or coconut, you can up the fat content and then once combined with a decent protein source such as chicken, or tofu they make a great side dish. They’re also pretty cheap as well, at only 50p per 100g of fresh green beans, and about £1.30 per kg of frozen.

If you wish to use pre-minced garlic, I recommend going with either Lazy Garlic if in the UK or, Kirkland’s Minced Garlic in the USA. You’ll need 1 tablespoon of pre-minced garlic per garlic clove, so for this keto recipe, you’ll need 4 tablespoons of pre-minced garlic for 4 servings, or only 1 tablespoon if you’re doing this for 1 person.

Keto Green Beans with Garlic

Quick, easy to make side dish that’s not only keto but also vegan and gluten-free. Ingredients are measured for 4 servings.

  • 450 g Green Beans
  • 4 tbsp Extra virgin olive oil (You can also use butter, or coconut oil)
  • 4 Garlic Cloves (You can also use 4 tablespoons of lazy/minced garlic)
  • Pinch salt
  1. Put the oil in a skillet, and start heating up on a low heat.

  2. While the skillets heating up, trim the beans. Once trimmed, add to skillet and turn the heat up to high.

  3. As the green beans are cooking, regularly rotate them with a spatula. After about 5 minutes, add the garlic.

  4. Cook for another 5 minutes. The green beans should only need about 10 minutes on a high heat to cook.

  5. Once cooked, remove from the heat, allow them to stand for 2 minutes to cool a bit then serve.


[pinterest-image message=”A quick and easy to make a keto-friendly side dish, that’s vegan and gluten-free. Create these yummy grean beans in less than 15 minutes. A cheap and great tasting side dish, that’ll go down well with anyone who loves garlic.” image=””]

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One Comment

  1. Made these tonight for my dinner, they’re pretty good. Had em with the broiled chicken n went well together.

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